Testimony of GOD's working in 2018

On March 21st, 2018 we received shocking news. Veronica's (my wife) mother was given a few hours to live. On March 19th, she had gone in for a routine hernia operation, but apparently her lungs collapsed and she was at death's door. Relatives and friends were called to pay their last respects to her. We got the news at around 10 am. We mentally prepared to lose her but kept  our hope in the LORD. Veronica and me went down on our knees and started praying desperately. We claimed Veronica's mum in a special way for the LORD Jesus Christ. By the time we finished praying and called after about 30 minutes the Doctors had witnessed a miraculous change in her condition and they changed her status from dying to critical. Veronica's mum continued to remain in the ICU and though she was not improving as fast she was stable. A week passed bye and she was still in the ICU, she refused to stand up and move as per the doctor's instruction. After 8 days she got up and went to the toilet. There while seated she froze and could not get up. She was brought back to her bed by nurses and attendants. However, she was not able to move herself or turn around. When she was conscious she could not move on her own. When she was asleep she would roll in her sleep but not when she was awake.

Another week passed and Veronica decided to go to India to give her Dad a break as he was straining himself and was the only one with her nearly 24/7. Her brother was on a ship and would have to resign and pay his own fare to return to India. Her sister-in-law was working and was not able to take time off all of a sudden from work. My mother-in-law was stable enough but she was not moving at all. She was like a vegetable and had to be rolled around. She was developing bed sores and was in a real bad situation. Veronica left for India on April 4th and reached on April 6th. When Veronica reached India she got straight to work. Finally on April 10th after more than 3 weeks, they were able to get her mum discharged and taken to Veronica and my house in India as there was a lift and they could take her back for her check up again after a week.

We requested prayers from family, friends, co-workers. We put prayer requests in all the continents of the world since there were prayer ministries. We put prayer requests nearly all over the world in Australia, in India the Jesus Calls ministry, and in the United States. It was like a 24 hour prayer chain was surrounding her. We were constantly in prayer. However, it looked like our prayer requests were rising to the LORD, and then they were just falling down. It was a really bleak period as though the LORD could not hear our prayers. After the week passed my mother-in-law was taken for her check up and somehow with the help of like 10  people she was taken to her own home. She was still not able to roll while conscious and needed to be cared nearly 24/7. Veronica was frustrated with GOD and was praying either heal her or take her but do not keep her like a vegetable. A physical therapist was hired to take care of her and also another person was hired to stay with her during the day time before Veronica came back on April 16th. Veronica could not stay longer because she was doing a course to become a pharmacy technician and also could not leave the kids too long as she was the primary care giver.

At home Veronica's mum did not want any visitors and Veronica's dad was nearly all by himself taking care of her mum. Veronica's mum was physically much better and there seemed to be nothing wrong with her, but she could not still turn around on her own. She was going through physical therapy and was being coaxed into walking. She did not want to walk and was often very resistant to walk. We kept showing her her grand-children and asking them to encourage her to start walking so that she could come to the US to spend time with them. This continued for nearly a month. 

On May 18th, we called to wish her dad on his birthday. However, we learnt that he had fallen and had hit his head. He was unconscious for a period of time. Veronica's mum had heard him fall down and screamed and shouted for the neighbors to come. They called my brother-in-law and took him to the hospital. It seemed like another blow from GOD and looked like GOD was taking pleasure in tormenting us with one more person from the family falling ill. We were not sure as to what damage was done to Veronica's dad. We were afraid of brain damage as Veronica's dad after gaining consciousness was forgetting things, dates and times. It looked like he had lost his mind. The week was extremely trying for us. Veronica was even more frustrated with GOD. During family prayer she would just sit down silently not praying with us.

Veronica's dad was in hospital for nearly 10 days. He was extremely angry with the doctors and medical staff. He wanted to rush home. He was argumentative and extremely angry. He did not want to listen to anyone. Veronica's sister-in-law quit her job in order to take care of her in-laws. He was ready to go home against doctor's orders. Veronica's sister-in-law then brought one of Veronica's dad's friends who he highly respected. This friend was able to calm him down and convince him to do what the doctor's recommended. He was finally able to go home after nearly 11 days. 

It is weird how GOD was answering our prayers. With Veronica's dad out of the way and not able to fulfill Veronica's mum's needs she was forced to get up and do things by herself. I believe it is that day that her recovery actually began. She started to get up and cook things for herself and go to the bathroom by herself. Normal things which she would rely on her dad to do. It was a step in the right direction.

Veronica's dad did not easily start to heal. It was a slow and painful process. It took him a good 3 weeks to start coming back to normal. Just as his son returned on June 11th, things were already in a much better state. He had recovered sufficiently well. Veronica's mum too was recovered enough to go walking to the doctor's office for the next check up and went to visit her sister. Something that she was not able to do before.

Veronica's mum and dad had a miraculous recovery and came to the Los Angeles USA and spent 4 wonderful months with our family from September 12th 2018 to Jan 12th 2019. Here are some of their pictures:

Veronica's Dad on top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas

Veronica's Dad at the South Rim of Grand Canyon

Veronica's Mum and Dad with our Family

Jesus said "Ask and you shall receive, Seek and you will find, Knock and it will be opened to you." His word is true and he is a faithful GOD. GOD may not always work in the way we want him too. He may not do the things we want him to do, but his ways are far better than our way. If we let him too, he will work all things for our good and for his greater glory.


  1. Jesus lives and hears our prayers
    Truly encouraging testimony.

  2. Thanks be to God. He is always working all things for our good, even when all we see around us is darkness, pain, and distress. His love endures all things... and forever.


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