What does Son of GOD really mean?

What does Son of GOD really mean?

I was in discussion with one of my colleagues Vladimir Lugo about the book "The story of Christianity" that he had recommended that I read. He shared with me a great new insight about what the Son of GOD meant.

Where is the title "Son of GOD" from?

In the Hebrew testament, the title "Son of GOD" is not used often. It is found in the book of Daniel where the Gentile King Nebuchadnezzar uses the term, "son of god." It is quite common in the Gentile world to hear of the title "son of god" or "son of gods."  Alexander the Great was considered the "son of god" or the "son of Zeus"(Zeus being one of the Greek gods). Many other Gentile cultures often referred to their kings as "son of heaven, or son of gods." The title that was given to Jesus in a revelation to Peter, "Son of the living GOD" was the title that signified a Gentile King. In essence this title denoted that Jesus is not only the King of the Jews, but he is the King of the Gentiles too.

Is Jesus a lesser GOD because he is the "Son of GOD"?

Now this does not make Jesus a lesser GOD. This is made very clear by the term used in the New Testament which was translated as the Son of GOD in the English. The term used in the greek is μoνoγενής (monogenus) which meant of the same genes or of the same substance. The offspring of a man and a woman is not mono genus but rather has the genes of both the father and the mother. Hence the term mono genus could not be used to denote a normal human person. The best way to look at the how someone to be mono genus is if they were cloned, resulting in a person with exactly the same genes as that person. So, Jesus is the same substance as the Father and hence not a lesser GOD like the Jehovah's Witness or other religions claim. The Nicene creed very clearly brings out this interpretation where it says "GOD from GOD, Light from Light, True GOD from True GOD, begotten not made, Consubstantial with the Father."

What about the incarnation?

The incarnation was basically GOD the Son becoming into a human fetus in the surrogate womb of Mother Mary. Mary was given a special place by GOD for bringing Jesus into this world in her virgin womb.


Jesus is the King of the Jews and the King of the Gentiles. He is the same substance as the Father. He is the King of all who put their faith and trust in him.


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